I am a BLOGGER…..

The stuff books are made of

I am grinning to my self as I write this because if you had told me a few years ago that I would be blogging, I would have laughed loudly!

But here we go…. firstly Id like to welcome you to my lovely website Michelle-Mackie.com. I can’t tell you how happy I am to have my beautiful website up and running,

Please take a moment to have a look round.

Id like to say a very big thank you to Scott @ LTK Scott Website Management,  for all the wonderful work he has done putting my website together and making it better than I could ever think. Listening to all my request’s and thoughts regarding this. Especially as I’ve been feeling quite nervous and self-conscious about doing this, BUT!!! here’s me biting the bullet and blogging 😊

In future blogs Id like to share with you…. news regarding shoots, behind the scenes, tips, and all thoughts and feelings that I think you may be interested in.

I’ve always been very open and honest and intend to keep it this way, Sharing is caring right?? 😊

Until then please let me know what you would like to see in future blogs ? and I will see what I can do.

Hugs to all 



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